Prof. Dr. Nikolaos G. Bourbakis
Wright State University, USAKnowledge-based Navigation of Autonomous Robots
The field of autonomous robots has been drastically revolutionized during the last five decades, with major contributions at all levels. A significant contribution to this evolution has been coming from advances in Computer Science and, especially, from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. Indeed, new methodologies and synergies have been developed from different sub-areas of AI, including the sub-area of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES) and its applications. This talk proposes some novel ideas on the intersection of AI and KES with Intelligent Robotics. In particular, it presents a novel way for robots to extract knowledge from the surrounding space during navigation and to efficiently use to navigate without collision in complex environments.

Prof.-Dr. Nikolaos G. Bourbakis (IEEE Life Fellow, AAIA Fellow) has been serving the fields of Artificial Intelligence (including Machine Learning/Deep Learning) and Assistive Technologies from various posts for almost fifty years now. He received a BS in Mathematics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, a Certificate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, and a PhD in Computer Engineering and Informatics (awarded with excellence), from the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, Greece. He is currently a Distinguished Professor of Information & Technology and the Director of the Center of Assistive Research Technologies (CART) at Wright State University, Ohio, USA. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, the International Journal on Monitoring and Surveillance Technology Research (IGI-Global, Publ.) and the EAI Transactions on Bioengineering & Bioinformatics. He is also the Founder and Steering Committee Chair of several International IEEE Computer Society Conferences (namely ICTAI, ICBIBE, and ICIISA), Symposia and Workshops. He pursues research in Assistive Technologies, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Bioengineering, Information Security, and Parallel/Distributed Processing, which is funded by USA and European government and industry. He has published extensively in IEEE and International Journals and he has graduated, as the main advisor, several dozens of doctoral students. His research work has been internationally recognized and he has received several prestigious awards, including: IEEE Computer Society Technical Research Achievement Award; Member of the New York Academy of Sciences; Diploma of Honor in AI School of Engineering, University of Patras, Greece; ASC Outstanding Scientists & Engineers Research Award; Dr. F. Russ IEEE Biomedical Engineering award, Dayton Ohio; Most Cited Article in Pattern Recognition Journal; IEEE ICTAI and ICBIBE best paper Awards; Recognition Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievements and Contributions in the field of Computer Science, University of Piraeus, Greece; IEEE EMBS-GR Award of Achievements; IEEE Computer Society 30 years ICTAI Outstanding Service & Leadership Recognition; Honorary Doctorate degree of the University of Piraeus, Greece. Since August 2021, he is an Honorary Professor of the Technical University of Crete, Greece.
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